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2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

Proficient Reading: 25%

Distinguished Reading: 11%

Proficient Math: 27%

Distinguished Math: 9%

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Danville Independent Schools




The Student Technology Leadership Program (STLP) was established by the Kentucky Department of Education to empower students to use technology to learn and achieve through project-based learning. During STLP, students use technology to create products, provide services or carry out projects that help the school and community.

 the mission of the Student Technology Leadership Program (STLP) is to advance the individual capabilities of students; motivate all students; to create leadership opportunities through the use of technology.

At Toliver, students in grades 3 - 5 are invited to stay after school to work on STLP projects. Examples of projects the students complete include: 

  • making signs and banners for teachers 

  • learning new software to teach others

  • using the digital cameras and video cameras to assist teachers and create classroom projects

  • developed a brochure for the City of Danville

  • created a DVD for the City of Danville

  • professional development sessions for teachers

  • assist in the development and updating of the school website

Each fall, one STLP group has the opportunity to present their project at the Regional Showcase. For the past three years, Toliver STLP groups have advanced to present at the State STLP Showcase as well.



2018-19 Toliver STLP State Showcases
Dance Admiral Blue
Best in Showcase Group and State Finalist

2017-18 Toliver STLP State Showcases
Doorways to Danville II

2016-17 Toliver STLP State Showcases
Oh My Aching Head!
Go Live!
Doing the Most Good: Doorways to Danville
4th in State - Digital Project - Jack E.
State Finalist Honorable Mention - Digital Photo - Jack E.

2015-16 Toliver STLP State Showcases
Fifth Grade
Fourth Grade

2014- 2015 Toliver STLP State Showcases
Fifth Grade
Fourth Grade

2013- 2014 Toliver STLP State Showcases
City of Firsts
Pink Nose Goes Tech

2012 - 2013 Toliver STLP State Showcases
Harvesting Hope
Lights, Camera, ipad?

2011 - 2012 Toliver STLP State Showcases
Soups On Us 
Top In Region Award and State Finalists

Schoolwires: Toliver Web Wizards

2010 - 2011 Toliver STLP State Showcases
Schoolwires: Toliver Web Wizards
Practiquemos Espanol

2009 - 2010
Toliver STLP
Cole and Zach
How to with "Jing"

Top Elementary Presenters in the State

2009 - 2010 Toliver STLP State Showcases 
 Schoolwires: Danville Web Wizards
 Schoolwires: Tech PD

2008 - 2009 Toliver STLP State Showcases

T3: Toliver Teaches Teachers
Toliver Web Wizards

Top In Region Award and State Finalist

2007 - 2008 Toliver STLP State Showcase 
City of Firsts II
Top In Region Award and State Finalists

STLP Coordinator:  John Erwin  Sarah Beauman