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2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

Proficient Reading: 25%

Distinguished Reading: 11%

Proficient Math: 27%

Distinguished Math: 9%

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Danville Independent Schools


Edna L. Toliver Intermediate School has 600 students in grades 2 to 5. Toliver Intermediate School is located in Danville Kentucky. 

In 1912 the Danville City Schools bought the old Hogsett Academy for boys and created the Maple Avenue Elementary School where it housed grades 1 -5.  In 1930, the old school was torn down to make way for a larger, more up-to-date building.  The three-story building began as a school for grades 1 - 5.  In 1936 the sixth graders were added to the school.

In 1957 when Mrs. Toliver was retiring after 33 years as principal of Maple Avenue School and years also as a teacher, the Danville Board of Education decided to rename this school in her honor.

In 2018 the Danville Schools consolidated the three elementary schools (Toliver, Hogsett and Jennie Rogers) into Toliver Intermediate School (2nd- 5th) and Mary G. Hogsett Primary School (preschool - 1st).


Principals of Toliver School

1920 - 1924      Miss Mattie Sallee

1924 - 1957      Mrs. Edna L. Toliver

1957 - 1961      Mr. Russell Goodaker

1961 - 1985      Mr. Earl Adams

1985 - 1999      Mr. James Atkins

1999 - 2015      Mrs. Judy Spellacy

2015 - 2018      Mr. Ron Ballard

2018 - 2023      Mrs. Robin Kelly

2023-2024        Mr. Danny Goodwin

Current            Mrs. Renee Lanigan

Our mission at Toliver is to create a vibrant community of learners where academic excellence, diversity, and collaboration thrive. Toliver has a long tradition of academic excellence and is regarded as a leader in elementary education. An experienced professional staff helps students strive toward academic excellence and successful living in the Danville community and the world. A strong curriculum with integrated technology ensures that Toliver students will develop critical thinking skills that will help them be successful. Students engage in real-world activities using field experiences, project-based learning, and business/industry-level technology programs.